I am a Zorn’s Postdoctoral Fellow at Indiana University, Bloomington, starting in August 2024, under the supervision of Prof. Larry Moss. I was a lecturer in the Department of Mathematics at the University of Southern California in the Spring 24 semester.
I received my Ph.D from USC with the thesis named Formalizing two-level type theory with cofibrant exo-nat. I am studying on homotopy type theory, and my thesis advisors are Prof. Aaron Lauda and Assoc. Prof. Michael Shulman. Recently, I have been awarded the Edward and Dolores Blum Research prize by the USC Graduate Committee.
My research interests span the areas of logic, foundations of mathematics, category theory, type theory, and computer science. My secondary research interests include combinatorial design theory and coding theory.
I earned my M.Sc. degree from Koç University in 2019, with the thesis “LDPC codes from partially balanced incomplete block designs”, under the supervision of Prof. Emine Şule Yazıcı. I earned my B.Sc. degree from Bilgi University in 2017 with the project “The Game Of Hex & The Brouwer Fixed Point Theorem”, under the supervision of Kemal Ilgar Eroğlu.
3) Formalizing two-level type theory with cofibrant exo-nat - Elif Uskuplu - Available on ArXiv: 2309.09395 - Sep 2023.
2) QC-LDPC Codes from Difference Matrices and Difference Covering Arrays - Diane Donovan, Asha Rao, Elif Üsküplü, Emine Ş.Yazıcı - in IEEE Access, vol. 11, pp. 52141-52157 - Jun 2023.
1) High-rate LDPC codes from partially balanced incomplete block designs - Diane Donovan, Aiden Price, Asha Rao, Elif Üsküplü, Emine Ş.Yazıcı - Journal of Algebraic Combinatorics - Jan 2022.
9) “Formalizing locally nameless syntax with cofinite quantification” - WITS’ 25 - Jan 25 2025
8) “From Propositions to Proof Assistants: A Journey through Type Theory” - IUB Logic Seminars - Sep 25 & Oct 2, 2024
7) “Navigating the New Frontier: Formalized Mathematics” - WiMSoCal 2024 - Feb 2024.
6) “Cofibrancy of The Exo-type of Natural Numbers” - The Second International Conference on Homotopy Type Theory - May 2023.
5) “Homotopy Type Theory vs Set Theory” - GSU Research Seminars - December 2022.
4) “Proof Assistants: Agda for Beginners” - Sagedays Istanbul - August 2022.
3) “An Experiment with 2LTT Features in Agda” - Workshop on Homotopy Type Theory/ Univalent Foundations - July 31 - August 1, 2022.
2) “Formalization of 2LTT in Agda” - MURI Meeting at CMU - July 2022. Slide
1) “A brief Introduction to Homotopy Type Theory” - USC Math Grad Colloquium - February 2022.
Documentation for the two-level
flag in Agda Library Link
1) Formalization of 2LTT & Univalence Principle in Agda - Available on Github.
2) Univalent mathematics in Agda (as a contributor) - Available on Github.
3) Simply Typed Lambda Calculus with de Bruijn Indices in Lean4 - Available on Github.